
KV331 Audio SynthMaster 3

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SKU: 1432-3381 Category: Brand:
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KV331 Audio SynthMaster 3

KV331 Audio SynthMaster 3: All-around modular software synthesizer available in VST2, VST3, AudioUnits and AAX formats.


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SynthMaster 3 is KV331 Audio’s flagship all-around modular software synthesizer available in VST2, VST3, AudioUnits and AAX formats. It features many different synthesis methods including VAnalog, Additive, Vector, Wavetable, Granular, Phase Modulation, Phase Distortion, Frequency Modulation, Pulse Width Modulation, Ring Modulation, Physical Modeling and SFZ Sample Playback. It can read SynthMaster One and SynthMaster 2 presets, and comes with 850 new factory presets designed by a world class team of sound designers: Arksun, Aiyn Zahev, BigTone, Cipryan Bot, Davide Puxeddu, Demis Hellen, Gercek Dorman, NatLife, Nori Ubukata, Selcuk Ergen, Xenos Soundworks, XTD and Yuli Yolo

Modular Architecture

Each SynthMaster 3 instance can have up to 16 Layers. New layers can be created by adding a new layer or by duplicating an existing layer.

Each layer can have up to 16 modules. The following modules are available in SynthMaster 3.0:

  • Generator modules: Basic Oscillator, Additive Oscillator, Vector Oscillator, Wavetable Oscillator, VAnalog Oscillator, Granular Oscillator and Modulator.
  • Effect modules: Digital Filter, VAnalog Filter, State Variable Filter, Ladder Filter, Diode Ladder Filter, Bite Filter, Comb Filter, Phaser Filter, Formant Filter and Waveshaper.

New modules can be created by adding a new module or by duplicating an existing module.

Each layer can have up to 32 modulation sources. The following modulation sources are available in SynthMaster 3.0:

  • ADSR Envelope, Multistage Envelope
  • LFO, Step LFO, Noise LFO
  • Scaler

New modulation sources can be created by adding a new source or by duplicating an existing source.

The Routing tab provides a visual representation of the signal flow in the layer. Using the routing view, modules can be added / removed / bypassed / activated / replaced with other modules, connections can be created / removed between modules.

Multiple View Types

SynthMaster 3 provides 3 different types of views to edit layer parameters:

  • Layer View: This view is use for editing a single layer’s parameters.
  • Track View: This view is use for editing keyboard zones, velocity zones, voicing, unison, arpeggiator and sequencer parameters of multiple layers.
  • Mix View: This view is use for editing insert fx and fx send parameters of multiple layers.


  • Modular Architecture
  • Multiple View Types
  • Granular Oscillator
  • VAnalog Oscillator
  • Waveshaper
  • Phaser Filter
  • Formant Filter
  • Noise LFO
  • Scaler
  • Arpeggiator / Sequencer
  • Preset Browser
  • Waveform Editor
  • Wavetable Editor
  • Multi-Sample Editor

Tech Specs



Plugins: VST-2, VST-3, AU, AAX



Plugins: VST-2, VST-3, AAX

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